Center For Southeast Asian Studies at University of Wisconsin-Madison
The Center for Southeast Asian Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison fosters a wide variety of research, teaching and outreach activities about Southeast Asia. Since 1981, the Center has been recognized as a National Resource Center by the U.S. Department of Education, and has received Title VI funding for program development and Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) fellowships. We promote greater understanding of the Southeast Asian region through academic year courses, a summer language institute, study abroad opportunities, a publication series, outreach activities, a weekly public lecture series, student research and study grants, and degree programs. Our faculty and students are a vibrant community of scholars with research and teaching interests in a wide variety of academic disciplines. The Center operates a vigorous and well-developed program committed to the study of Southeast Asia that is recognized as one of the best worldwide.
The Center for Southeast Asian Studies
is a unit in The International Division and a member of the Institute for Regional and International Studies.
[Official website:]