ANU Southeast Asia Institute
The Southeast Asia Institute is the flagship for The Australian National University’s outstanding range of expertise on the politics, languages, society, economics and cultures of the region to Australia’s northwest. The Institute brings together the research, teaching and outreach talents of the academics and students of The Australian National University. It creates opportunities for collaboration and provides a point of contact between the university community and the wider world.
The ANU has the largest community of academic specialists on Southeast Asia in the world, outside Southeast Asia itself. Around eighty academics have significant research interests in Southeast Asia, and they supervise close to 200 research students, as well as teaching a strong range of undergraduate and Master’s courses in Southeast Asian Studies. Indonesian, Thai and Vietnamese languages are taught as a full program, and Tetum and Javanese are offered from time to time. The Institute is located within the ANU College of Asia and the Pacific, but it serves scholars on Southeast Asia throughout the university.
[Official website:]