Prof. Drs. Purwo Santoso, MA. Ph.D
Research interests:
• 2010. Modul Pembelajaran Analisis Kebijakan Publik. Yogyakarta: Research Centre on Politics and Government UGM.
• 2008. “Monograph on Politics and Government” in Keistimewaan Yogyakarta : Naskah Akademik dan Rancangan Undang-undang Keistimewaan Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta: Department of Government Politics, Faculty of Social and Political Science of UGM.
• 2004. State Capacity to Respond the Local Context in Indonesia: Sporadic Overview. Yogyakarta: Yayasan Percik and Pustaka Pelajar
• 2004. “The Competency of Political Party as an Policy Actor: A Study on the Case of the City of Yogyakarta” in Democracy and the Picture of Local Election. Yogyakarta; Yayasan Percik and Pustaka Pelajar.
• 2004. Writing is Easy and Fun. Yogyakarta: Department of Government Politics UGM.